14 March 2011

Korea Gynseng Monster - train in lvl 64-70+

Training not burstable pets is long and hard but it worth it, because brustable pets are really weak on stats. Especiallly on con, they mostly add wis and int. But when you planing to train with your pets (especially in high level spots like sharks, leopards or pangolins) you need to have pets with good con. Also if you plan to use them on 15 rounds or other event and quest they will need to have better con. Its not so easy to lethe them, like everyone says, because people who can really afford so MANY pet lethe scrolls arent so MANY!
So you got to choose the pet with best build. And not burstable pets have bigger chance on having better con/agi build [agi needed for a combo with high agi water].
Still builds are random. And you shoud get all of pets and choose the one who has best starter build. Because the one who has bad starter build bever get better.
Some people believe that if they lethe few of the starter stats - like removing 5-6 stats will make the pet add a good build. Thats not true. They keep adding the way they wand. So dont bother "fixing" pet just because they look cute or awesome. Just look for the best to train.

About the gynseng monster.
  1. They use wall. But normal atk of killer with a wand on hand breaks into stone wall.
  2. They drop:
  • Gyrophora [sp +120]
  • Small Gynseng [sp +80]
  • Gynseng [sp + 90 hp + 30]
  • Great Gynseng [sp + 400] - use it for making gynseng chichen soup [+900 sp]
  • Paper grass
  • Pumpkin
3. XP for lvl 56 fred is around 160, 320 in double xp^^

Good luck on training ^^

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