22 June 2010

Getting Cloudy Sword - Yamataikoku

I needed that sword on my alts, because i just started leveling human pets. They are lvl 34 and they are dying in every training spot. Especially Niss - she didnt add even 1 point on con. XD.
So after they reach lvl 34 (wich was needed for her trainign spot) we take Belly chain neclaces and these cloudy swords with 300 hp to make them survive in training.
Level you need to reach for that sword is 30.

To start the quest you need to go the the building wich has guards on the door and talk with woman named Himiko.

She will send you to sky world or something like this. There need to go to left and will spawn to another map. Where you put the sake wich Himiko gives.
And 8 headed snake will appear. Fight is kind of hard. With a lot of seal. Only the boss dont seal. But he has decent atk and matk. 39k hp and lvl 165.
Reward is the sword + 5% xp capsule

21 June 2010

Getting Arez - Olsya

First you need to go to 3rd cave and take this egg.

Then move to this arrow. The other is Elin gun part.

Then you need to finish many fight with this dinos....

Then this 4 bossees....

Then go to the Doctor. Give him the egg. And Arez join your team and you get 10% xp capsule.

The Frong quest in Olsya

To activate the quest you need to go to the question mark on olsya map. There you talk with a frog. Then there another mark appear on first cave (where the frog says its 4th cave).

Inside the cave you need to go to the door on mark. There you need to answer a question to open the door. The right answer is Rose. If you say wrong one it turn you back to other part of the map.

And solve the puzzle. It says 533 422 1234 555. wich mean first u need to click on 5th device then 3,3, ... so on. If u make a mistake it tells you. Then u need to click on door, fight scorpions and after winning the battle u reset the device.

Then Go inside And talk with a wich.

Then start a battle 4x ghost lvl 50s wich spawn into a huge jelly monster lvl 71 with 8k HP. I remebrr i did that quest with XxKonnoXx when i was lvl 30 with my main lol and seemed pretty hard to me :P . After battle again talk with the wich and go back to prince

Here is the worst part because we need to kiss that stupid frog. And then he become a ugly price frog and then give u a star. :)

20 June 2010

Fireball game on Maya

There near the pyramid is group of fireball players. If u finish the game (survive till the end and kill everyone form the other team) you get 1 Star as reward.

Taking Shasha pet - Maya

First thing you need to do is to enter the first house in the village to see how priest is talking with the parents of shasha that she need to be sacrified.
Follow them till the big hole where u see the priest and click on him. And you will see them trowing shasha on that Hole. Jump there and find a locked door. u click on the statue on left of the door and it will open. Inside u need to fight lvl 110 water ET. And when u beat it Shasha join yur team.

Shooting game - Maya

There in the map i met the Uncle HUnter. And an easy shooting game with weapon reward.

Pet return scroll - Maya

There some cannibals are eating a human being. And you need to help. There you fight 8 lvl 90 canniballs. Bad are only the fires so start with them. They do Mess spell all the time. Rest is easy. All do physical skills so u can protect yourself with stone wall :)

Reward is Gun design and Pet return scroll.

And after battle you meet colombo. He is handsome ^^

01 June 2010

Guild RxJ level rank :)

1. pakize
2. exilia
3. DogEstyle
4. Dobutsu^^
5. DeepNsider
6. LadyXyrexx
7. Tr0uble
8. Ecthel
9. Rizard
10. Savedyoass OILLYNESS
11. ChryissLee LitleAngel
12. Deele
13 shaziye Roseydeyol
14. merya OZZIEPRIDE
15. Mysy
16. MoonBell
17. niva Dmx50
18. Katheraine Guilvegane
19. GOLDANGEL JintaJen Elian Jessica Earthjet
20. Praveen Ezlyn TydoC
21. Kusuma Chariane xSadisticx
22. Haniel KingX rLady DarkDude XxKonnoXx
23. HIbikie Kunimitsu marty Feran Aysha
24. Chewits
25. sMilens
26. Jul
27. Astres
28. Syusuke
30. Perry
31. SonyMono
32. zazu
33. Alin231
34. nikita
35. Detka
36. Sonya Pan
37. mexicano
38. Aranis
39 Neomy Alexia
40. drango
41. SonyMono
42. steelpulse
43. BabyPrimo
44. Nemesys
45. Gall3ta
46. kamilyte
47. Minorii
48. LilKittie
49. Perry2
50. Freakish